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The Iron Ruby

3.8km - 2 laps of the island

BN3TH The Iron Ruby.

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Entries capped at 80

BN3TH | The Ruby

Fancy yourself a sub hour time? Best time is 48 mins! Money on the line for the three fastest times, Male & Female.


With Challenge Wanaka chopping the full distance event, The renamed Iron Ruby will be one of the few 3.8km swims in the south Island. Use this for Taupo IM practice for March each year. Suit or no suit. You can take  your choice.


From the natural start line to the left of the rocky promontory at Waterfall Creek, swim out towards the buoy marker near the Jetty before a sharp left and two laps of the island. Enjoy 'flying' over the underwater cliff for the second time at the southern tip of Ruby Island before the well earned finishing straight back to the right hand beach finish.

Iron Ruby

Yes. Yes. Yes!

The Course

3.8km version - 2 laps

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